Dear Rocky,
Well, it's better late than never, wouldn't you agree? I apologise for the huge space in time between reviews but am happy to be writing one more at least before the end of 2014.
You'll remember that we spent some time working through Graham's Top Ten Movie suggestions earlier in the year. Did we ever finish those? Well, the other day I stumbled across a post Graham put on his Facebook page asking people for their favourite films of 2014. One that kept coming up was Calvary.
I hadn't really heard much about it, I'm embarrassed to say, so I took myself off to the video shop and picked up a copy for Saturday night.
The cover had a photo of a priest on it, so I gathered the film had something to do with religion. What I wasn't prepared for was such a dark look at human nature.
The opening scenes are spine tingling. A threat to kill the priest "because he had done nothing wrong" - Sunday, by the water.
I found the conversation with the senior priest afterward about the rules of confidentiality so fascinating. What an incredible concept. I also found the role of the priest within the town to be no different to that of a psychologist - albeit in different clothes. The additional storyline of the priest's suicidal daughter to the already desperate stories within the town was genius. As was the modernisation of the priest's role in the town, juxtaposed with his old fashioned religious attire.
The more we saw the town's folk resist his help, and the closer we got to Sunday, the darker the movie became. I almost couldn't stand it anymore when the priest's dog was killed and as he stood atop the cliff with Dylan Moran (who I always see as Bernard Black no matter who he plays) I almost willed him to jump off. Life couldn't get much worse, could it?
Throughout the entirety I played the "who is it" game, and I was wrong. I was surprised to see Chris McDowd (is that his name?) show up on the beach. I was more surprised he shot the priest and then finally killed him, when I guessed he'd turn the gun on himself.
The final scene in the jail with the daughter - genius. I'm so glad they didn't speak, although I was sure she would say "I forgive you" after her final conversation with her father.
The only time I was confused was when the priest went to Dublin - but that was a flash forward? Was that his coffin. I'm still confused.
I felt sorry for the priest. And I thought the film was brilliant.
I'm giving it 10/10.
How about we review "To Kill a Mockingbird" next?
What did you think Rocky? Read Rocky's review here.